Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happiness Comes From The Heart , Nick Vujicic, Australia

The world is full of a number of things
I am sure we should be happy as kings
by Scottish Novelist & Poet Robert Louis Stevenson

The above poem was recited to the public audiences by a group of primary school students age 7-12 which I helped train during December 2008 school holiday.

During the training, I recited the poem to the children. for better understanding, I asked these young minds, what makes you happy ? I couldn't believe myself at their initial response.

.....few said " don't know !

.....some took a long time to come up with what they are happy about;

.....some answered hesitantly, and said they have nothing to be happy about !!!!

The answers from them strucked me, children at this age should be happy, children should be happy about everything!!

These innocent mind should not have the worldly worries & cares that their shoulder could not carry.

I showed them a picture of Nick Vujicic from Australia, who was born with No Arms and No Legs,

more information in http://lifewithoutlimbs.org

Nick's tour to Africa

It did help to generate lots of thoughts and drew them from their nutshells.

It was an ice breaker into their inner thoughts and an insight into their feelings.

Most Beautiful Smile

Looking at the smile on his face in this picture, I strongly believed that his life must have impacted many lives.

After seeing this picture, the children said, they are happy about a lot of things..........

I can write.

I can count
It's a two

By two, and another two

Let's wear our croc

And walk to town.

and alas one of them, who is always quiet and shy, bravely said " I am happy because I have parents who loves me."

Love in my heart

And that lovely sentence started the fun rolling.

For the next two weeks, Not only did the children played and laughed so hard ( that they got overboard sometimes.) and enjoyed what they did, I learned a simple truth,

Life can be simple if we made it to be.

and so, I modified the poem as my New Year wishes which I smsed out on the eve of 2009.

The world is full of a number of things,

health, as well as
well being...

Appreciate each of these, we should be happy as kings.

The message must have been circulated from one to the other, and on Jan 6, 2009, I received it back to my mobile.

What goes around comes around.

What a nice way to start 2009.

Happy le !

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