Saturday, April 11, 2009

Why The Need To Work Towards Safe Trekking

After our highlight on the BukitTabur tragedy and accidents that happened in Bukit Tabur, we received numerous e-mails and responses from different parties having different agendas.

We welcome contribution from anyone who has a passion to make Bukit Tabur a haven for trekking.

We would also appeal for your assistance to help us, spread these messages, through e-mails, linking http;// to your blogs, and websites etc, informing others and drives home a point.

" Working towards an accident-free trek before accident happens is better than to do rescue and evacuation when accidents happen. "

Currently there isn't any safety guidelines, no classification of danger in the mountain climbing standard, no one undertake to ensure that this is a safe place for trekking.

Strictly, there is no way that we are to bear any responsbility to ensure no accidents will happen after you read our postings.

we are just doing our part, within our ability and capacity which you may say as conservation.

Despite the fact that it is dangerous, many people still turned up at the foothills,

and trek up Bukit Tabur,

weeks after weeks.

It goes without saying that Bukit Tabur is such beautiful haven for trekkers but the danger cannot be undermine.

Trekking on the top / the range of Bukit Tabur with its vertical drop between 100 to 300 meters underneath, at different spots

is like walking on tight rope with 100 to 300 meters of height without safety net at the bottom.

Many people would just refuse or fret if you ask them to walk on the tight rope with 100 meters to 300 meter 's potential fall without safety net underneath.

But from what our observation, there are many who follow their friend who has gone there once or twice, have enjoyed themselves thoroughly in that place less aware that it indeed is a dangerous terrain.

Seeing some of them trek at the danger zones will make you miss your heartbeats if you do not have strong heart.

However, if everyone of us can contribute positively without even thinking about how this contribution can lead you to any expectation on financial benefit, I can see that this community service can be a successful project for the trekking communities.

We put up some danger notices along the trail at strategic places, at eye level, safe to read on relatively safe ground.

Last Saturday when we were up there, we noticed that one of the notice was displaced, the danger notice was taken down from the tree and tied to the rock, which is the danger spot itself.

We are of the opinion that this could be more dangerous than that you can read at eye level on a safe place than reading it right on the danger spot itself.

Definately there is a need to provide more positive inputs on volunteer basis to make this a better place for trekking, before more accidents happen or until there is plan by the authority to take over to manage this place.

Over to You.

1 comment:

Deryk Ng said...

Hi. My name is Deryk.
I, along with 10 others went up to Bukit Tabur, and return to ground safely.

I took along my video camera and we took alot of video shots along the way. If any of you interested to view the videos, I can arrange something.

I am the first time climber myself. In our group we have two experienced and frequent climber, one former scouts.

I must admit, it was really tough to climb up at certain spots. Being the plump guy who seldom exercise, I suffered muscle cramps on both my thighs and had to stop a few times during descend.

Overall it wasn't too difficult to go through the ordeal, you just have to be in a big group with some experience climber.

I will share with you more when I write up in my blog and process the videos and put in a DVD, you guys can get the videos from me if you are seriously interested.
