Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Bukit Tabur After The Rain

Month of February & Mac have been very busy in Bukit Tabur. we are glad more people are taking up the healthy sport.

Eric, our most experienced & regular trekker has captured some very beautiful photos on the cloud flew overflowing the ridge of Bukit Tabur Track 2 ( Or MR2 to us or Tabur East to some)

After the rain, trekking in Bukit Tabur, can be slippery and dangerous but the air is superbly fresh and the sky is clear

Few more weeks to go for training of endurance & strength & stamina before our climb to Gunung Kinabalu.

The training schedule of every Tuesday & Thursday as well as Saturday at Bukit Tabur still stands. Unless we have other plan to go outstation adhoc.

Keep up the good discipline. Be healthy, smile & have fun.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Batu Caves : Preparation to climb Mt Kinabalu

Mac 6, 2008 training at Batu Caves

it was 272 x 2 steps up & down

272 x 2 steps, going strong each step they go................

272 x 2 steps,..up & down
272 x 2 steps,....up & down
272 x 2 steps,.....up & down
272 x 2 steps,.......up & down
272 x 2 steps,.........up & down

It was a really good training!!!!!!!!!!!

5 trips of it and the children said, "can go some more..............if the adults want to..........."


" oh we will come again,........."

