Saturday, May 7, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Plantar Fa.........tis
It's agony when the feet hurts.
Each time Aloysius, Eric, YF or even Henry send the sms to ask who will be going to trek bukit tabur, or elsewhere. I hate it when i have to answer I can't go, because the pain on my feet has not improved, if i say yes, it will means more pain after the trek.And so a series of self help started me finding out the remedy in hope to reduce the pain, it helped to a certain extend, but it was futile as well when the pain came back.
Many visits to the doctor were done.
After many consultations, it seemed to me like it was a trial & error exercise by the doctors in finding the real situation.
Finally he said, " your conditions point to Plantar Fa.......tis"
Tan agnes : "What is that ? Dr. "
Dr. A : " It's a condition of the feet due to stress ........or........tear.......or spur........or....aging....."
Tan agnes : " I need a reference letter Dr., to see the specialist, will satisfy only till further investigate is done."
once home......
husband asked : " what did the doctor said ?"
Tan agnes : " I remember he said something like plantar................sound like planta margerine !! "
Feeling great despite answered no to the invites to trek.AT LEAST, I remember one word out of the two that the doctor had said.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
A letter to the Health Minister YB廖中萊衛生部長
Guangming daily dated Dec 9, 2010
Letter from the late Yen Kee to Health Minister YB Liow Tiong Lai
可是提及骨髓捐贈,還是被許多國人誤解的,我想問題的症結在於缺乏廣泛的教育及宣傳。當 我需要搜索適合的骨髓配對時,看好多人表示願意捐贈,卻不得其門而入,我從醫護人員口中得知,欲捐贈骨髓,唯有親自到吉隆坡IMR總部(全馬僅唯一一 間),這無形中加劇了我們搜索的繁文縟節。
我的請願是:希望衛生部可以更關注這個有潛力造福上萬病患的醫療設施,積極發展該局並給 予撥款。我親眼目睹多名患上血病(血癌、淋巴癌、地中海貧血、敗血癌等),還有其他需要骨髓移植手術來援救生命的人,因找不著合適骨髓,錯過黃金時期,病 情轉而加劇,而白白喪失生命。當中不乏正值青春年華的國家未來棟樑,懷著理想與抱負,卻奈何我們無法為身邊人一一驗證配對,因在程序上,這些儲存量不被允 許的。況且驗血的費用頗為龐大,更不是一般平民百姓負擔得起。
由於本國的骨髓庫有限,我們只好擴大範圍到世界國際骨髓庫。華裔子弟尚算好找,可友族同 胞在骨髓搜索方面,遇到合適骨髓是難上加難。原因來自背景及後裔元素,而且比照全球人口比例,巫裔及印裔同胞相對稀少,在國際範圍搜索實屬海底撈針,在燃 眉之際,更顯得絕望。也許身旁就有一人與他骨髓相配,二十萬之一的機率,如果政府可以給予我們這些瀕臨絕境的病患一條更方便的管道,廣泛在全國各地搜集 HLA樣本,積極灌輸全民這項有意義的活動,多辦流動教育及宣傳,我謹代表所有病患深深表示感謝,只要政府跨出一小步,我們活著的機會就會進一大步。
我本身已錯過進行骨髓移植手術的黃金時期,現在已是第三次癌症復發,所以我更能瞭解等待 看不見明天的絕望,經過全世界所有骨髓庫的搜索,浪費了那麼多的時間、金錢、物力、人力,到頭來是一場空,我會遺憾的是,我周遭的人很可能就有一人的骨髓 與我的完全相配,可是他卻無法進行驗證程序。我只希望以我僅有的生命,為很多目前等待著的戰士請命,請讓我們看到更多希望。
光明日報‧2010.12.09Thursday, January 6, 2011
She lived her life with flying colours
She lived her life with flying colours.
Chen Chow emailed informing about the late Yen Kee's death, there was so much pain and numbness as I gazed into the email content.
The second person who passed me the news was Ms Lye of Guangmin Daily.
Ms Lye was the liason officer whom we later bacame friend after we were done doing our bit with fund raising ( details here ) in aid of the late Yen Kee's medical expenses for her bone marrow transplant.
Neither of us know her personally, but after her plight for medical aid was highlighted, many responded to her call for help.
Some of these friends that i have befriended were new and we hardly know each other, but their kindness came in abundance in response to her need.
Swee Lan, you were one of the donors who responded so quickly to her plight, your kindness did go a long way & may God bless you richly.
We put together a simple video to encourage her, the experience that i had was more than collecting the donation, it was the enthusiasm, the love, the care & the concern that others shown in helping her overwhelmed me.
We were so full of hope for the late Yen Kee.
I called few times to encourage her to move on strongly.
I was touched. as she spoke with gratefulness and thankfulness in her heart, and lived life with such positive outlook awaiting for donors to her bone marrow transplanting.

News of her passing on, swirled us family into a pool of why,... why,.... why...... and how come....., and more why of which no one could answer us.
An intelligent child who passed her exam with flying colours, awaiting to go to Czech Republic to study medicine to fulfill her dream of becoming a medical doctor.
We hope that the letter she has written to the health minister will open gate to improve healthcare, for those who needs medical attention with regards to bone marrow transplanting.

Her letter highlighting the weaknesses in the current healthcare system that hindered her chance for survival, her hope to see changes, her desire to have other patients who suffers like her to have better chances of survival, and her action in bringing up the plight to higher authority, is truly commendable.

Her caring spirit lives on.

This is the legacy you left behind, Yen Kee, May you rest in peace.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Making A Difference To Other People's Lives
I remember Alex brought back a handmade calender back in 2009 from Singapore. It was full of pictures of beautiful mountains in Nepal, almost immediate I exclaimed
"That's the place i want to go,"
Alex began to tell me that it was an effort by his close friend/colleage in Singapore, Otto Kee doing his bid to raise fund to buy some equipments for a school in Nepal.
" We wanted to make a difference to other people’s lives,
click MyGokyoRi2009 for the story.
It definately will make a significance impact to the recipients in the school. surely it will make a difference in their life, no matter how insignificant one may look at them.
small gesture, but this contribution to value add to another life comes from big heart.
Salute you & your teammates Otto, for the noble deed done.
let the fire catches on......
"That's the place i want to go,"
Alex began to tell me that it was an effort by his close friend/colleage in Singapore, Otto Kee doing his bid to raise fund to buy some equipments for a school in Nepal.
" We wanted to make a difference to other people’s lives,
click MyGokyoRi2009 for the story.
It definately will make a significance impact to the recipients in the school. surely it will make a difference in their life, no matter how insignificant one may look at them.
small gesture, but this contribution to value add to another life comes from big heart.
Salute you & your teammates Otto, for the noble deed done.
let the fire catches on......
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Welcoming 2011
2010 has been a great year for us.
As family with growing children, bet you will hear the words growing pains.
BUT none the least to mention, there was joy admidst the pain in growing. It's really great experience to see each of us learning to love one another as family.
The words on love, & loving is so dynamic and progressive, and it never ends when the year 2010 has passed and the new year 2011 starts.
We are growing old as well, forgotten dates, issue overlooked, unattended chores which we were supposed to do, body that was perfect in functioning needs overhaul, and the occurance of pain in the body is more frequent than before, ..........aa..aAhhHH, the complimentary package that tag along when we receive the bonus of life.
To my friends who send me emails, just wanna say thanks for those mails that u send, some interesting, some inspiring, some awakening, and some can be lump together considering the same subjects but from different angles and perspective esp the worldly affairs in and around us.
Most mails that i received speaks of no peace, no security, streets are not safe, the people supposed to upkeep justice is themselves playing traunt.
There are challenges on enviromental issues, global warming, eratic weathers etc... which everyone of us should concern about them.
The mails come with one clear message, there must be change for better, and change we wanna see, change there must have for ourselves and for our future generation.
There got to be something more for us as Malaysian, paying tax to upkeep & maintain the country is one thing, but what are we maintaining as a society ? who do we upkeep to serve the country better, how do the existing system work to ensure there is peace and well being of the people is taken care of.
So i agreed fully, changes there must be, for the good of future.
I humbly vowed in my heart, to start doing my part, with praying for peace and prosperity at the beginning of 2011.
Peace to live life basic with wellness, prosperity in our soul to make a difference in our thinking, in our attitude to face challenges of life.
I am glad to be on yr mailing list. Thank you again.
2011 will be a challenging year, as usual, so that is what everyone saith. No matter how challenging is 2011, it will be a greater year than 2010 when there is love supporting our entire being and living.
I wish for everyone to be healthy and prosperous in your well being for 2011.
As family with growing children, bet you will hear the words growing pains.
BUT none the least to mention, there was joy admidst the pain in growing. It's really great experience to see each of us learning to love one another as family.
The words on love, & loving is so dynamic and progressive, and it never ends when the year 2010 has passed and the new year 2011 starts.
We are growing old as well, forgotten dates, issue overlooked, unattended chores which we were supposed to do, body that was perfect in functioning needs overhaul, and the occurance of pain in the body is more frequent than before, ..........aa..aAhhHH, the complimentary package that tag along when we receive the bonus of life.
To my friends who send me emails, just wanna say thanks for those mails that u send, some interesting, some inspiring, some awakening, and some can be lump together considering the same subjects but from different angles and perspective esp the worldly affairs in and around us.
Most mails that i received speaks of no peace, no security, streets are not safe, the people supposed to upkeep justice is themselves playing traunt.
There are challenges on enviromental issues, global warming, eratic weathers etc... which everyone of us should concern about them.
The mails come with one clear message, there must be change for better, and change we wanna see, change there must have for ourselves and for our future generation.
There got to be something more for us as Malaysian, paying tax to upkeep & maintain the country is one thing, but what are we maintaining as a society ? who do we upkeep to serve the country better, how do the existing system work to ensure there is peace and well being of the people is taken care of.
So i agreed fully, changes there must be, for the good of future.
I humbly vowed in my heart, to start doing my part, with praying for peace and prosperity at the beginning of 2011.
Peace to live life basic with wellness, prosperity in our soul to make a difference in our thinking, in our attitude to face challenges of life.
I am glad to be on yr mailing list. Thank you again.
Keep the mails coming so that I know that even though we do not meet, but we do think of each other, and it's good to keep in contact.
To my family members who are loving, and forbearing.
Forgive me of my short coming, when dealing with you, forgive me of any unkindness that I may have rubbed off on you, and the mistaken thought that i didn't read u rightly, be kind to help me love you rightly in 2011.2011 will be a challenging year, as usual, so that is what everyone saith. No matter how challenging is 2011, it will be a greater year than 2010 when there is love supporting our entire being and living.
I wish for everyone to be healthy and prosperous in your well being for 2011.
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